San Antonio Texas offers a Concealed Carry Class San Antonio for your Texas concealed handgun license. The concealed handgun license is actually called a license to carry (LTC) now, it allows a person to carry open or concealed without all the restrictions and penalties. Most people still call it a concealed handgun license though. Getting the license will allow you to carry in more places with fewer restrictions.
It will also help you avoid all the penalties that come with carrying without a license and you can carry your handgun without fear of breaking the law! Understanding where you legally can carry and when you can justifiably use deadly force.

The Whole Process Briefly Explained

Obtaining your Concealed handgun license in san Antonio Texas is a 2-Step process, regardless of how people advertise. You must:
Attend a State Licensed Certification Class and complete the online registration process with the state.
Note: You can also take concealed handgun license class online:
The online concealed carry class is easy and convenient. It is a self-paced class so your progress is saved and you can logout and continues where you left off when you log back in. We have a pass guarantee so you have nothing to lose. It works on all devices including your Smartphone. This is the easiest way to get certified for your Texas License to carry.
Certificate of Concealed Carry Class San antonio LTC 101
Your official certificate of training, also referred to as the LTC 101 is available for instant download as soon as you complete the class, you do not have to wait for it. This is the certificate that the Texas Department of Public Safety requires to issue your license. The class will walk you step by step through the simple application process.
Understand that the fees you pay to the state cover your background check and printing/mailing of your license. The online registration will also include scheduling your fingerprint appointment. After inputting your zip code, you get to choose which store you want to attend for your fingerprints, but again, you schedule it through the state website first. All of this process is explained in our course.
This CHL course walks you through each step and explains the entire process … you’ll know exactly what to do. All Texas registration fees are mandated and will not change. Once you complete the state online registration will receive your state-issued license from TX DPS.
Can you conceal carry in San Antonio?
Yes, San Antonio recognizes Texas Concealed Carry, now known as the Texas License to Carry
San Antonio also recognizes Texas Constitutional Carry / Texas Permitless Carry
How much is a concealed carry class in San Antonio Texas?
Concealed Carry Classes in San Antonio can vary anywhere from $50-$150 depending on location and instructor. That is why we took it upon ourselves and take pride in providing reasonable and affordable San Antonio Texas License to Carry Training Online. Our class is only $40 and 4 hours and covers everything required by the State of Texas.