LESSON 2: Non-violent dispute resolution       

When it comes to handling a disagreement, it is important to consider the options available to you and strive to find a peaceful resolution. In the Texas License to Carry course, participants will learn valuable information about non-violent dispute resolution. This section aims to teach students various techniques for deescalating a situation, to avoid any potential use of deadly force. 

The key concepts of non-violent dispute resolution involve understanding the needs of all parties involved in a dispute and striving for a resolution that meets those needs. Conflict resolution techniques involve using communication, negotiation, and mediation. Some strategies may include: listening actively, reframing the discussion, asking open-ended questions, restating the conversation in neutral terms, brainstorming solutions, and compromising. 

Non-violent dispute resolution is an important skill for all individuals who carry a handgun for personal protection, as it can help them remain safe and avoid confrontation. Learning these strategies can be invaluable in helping individuals protect themselves and their loved ones in any situation.

Situation Awareness

  • Consider safe parking
  • Know the exit locations in buildings you are in
  • Stay alert while driving
  • Stay alert while using the ATM
  • Stay alert while jogging or walling in public parks/trails, even in your neighborhood
  • Practice the buddy system
  • Stay alert while shopping or out eating dinner
  • While at home

State of awareness

Condition White

UNAWARE AND UNPREPARED. This is a condition you should try to avoid. You will probably lose a fight here. The only time you should be in condition white is when you’re asleep. And even then you wouldn’t consider yourself unprepared, you’re just unaware

If attacked in Condition White, the only thing that may save you is the “inadequacy or ineptitude” of your attacker. When suddenly confronted while in this condition your immediate reaction will probably be “OMG This can’t be happening to me….

Most people spend much of their lives in this state of mind.

Condition Yellow

RELAXED ALERT Yellow means you are aware of what is happening around you, but you do not perceive a potential threat. Your mindset should be prepared to defend yourself if the need arises. Everywhere you go, you should be in Condition Yellow. You should keep a pretty good watch on the people around you, and continuously rate each person’s danger level in your mind.

There is no specific threat situation. Your mindset is that “today could be the day may have to defend myself”. You are simply aware that the world is a potentially unfriendly place and that you are prepared to defend yourself, if necessary.

You use your eyes and ears. You don’t have to be armed in this state, but if you are armed you should be in Condition Yellow.

You should always be in Yellow whenever you are in unfamiliar surroundings or among people you don’t know.

In Yellow, you are “taking in surrounding information in a relaxed but alert manner, like a continuous 360 degree radar sweep. “I might have to shoot.”

Condition Orange

SPECIFIC ALERT it means that there is a potential threat that has gotten your attention. This can be almost anything and usually results in nothing, at which time you go back to yellow. An example of Condition Orange could be when you spot a firearm under that bulky coat… Instantly, you determine what you’re going to do if he reaches for that gun.

Something is not quite right and has your attention. Your radar has picked up a specific alert. You shift your primary focus to determine if there is a threat. Your mindset shifts to “I may have to shoot that person today focusing on the specific target which has caused the escalation in alert status.

In Condition Orange, you set a mental trigger: “If that person does “X”. I will need to stop them”. Your pistol usually remains holstered in this state. Staying in Orange can be a bit of a mental strain, but you can stay in it for as long as you need to. If the threat proves to be nothing, you shift back to Condition Yellow.

Condition Red

FIGHT It means that you are in a lethal mode of mindset and will fight if the circumstances are warranted. In the make-believe scenario, Bulky Coat draws a gun from under his coat. At this point, you implement your action plan that was determined during Condition Orange. This doesn’t always mean fight. If there are too many innocents around or you don’t have the means, your best plan might be to wait and see what happens or even retreat and call the police.

Your mental trigger (established back in Condition Orange) has been tripped. “If “X” happens I will shoot that person”. In short, the Color Code helps you “think” in a fight. As the level of danger increases, your willingness to take certain actions increases.

If you ever do go to Condition Red, the decision to use lethal force has already been made (your “mental trigger” has been tripped).